Spring Maintenance checklist

5 things that should be check by you or Handyman in spring To keep your house maintained is much more affordable then paying handyman to repair something that could be prevented. I am working in il McHenry area and compiled checklist what has to be done in spring.

  1. Gutters

After autumn gutters are filed with leaves and debris. When they combine they are heavy and can cause damage to gutters. Also leaking gutters can damage house walls and foundation. So you or handyman has to clean your gutters and downspouts. All broken gutters must be fixed. Call handyman for quick estimate. I work in Mchenry area and would be glad to help you.   


  1. Roof

After winter your roof might be damage and after good rain your house can be water damaged or if it is a small leak mold can start growing. To prevent that call handyman or check the roof by yourself for missing shingles, rust, cracks. If you find something odd call professional. Call me I know a good roof contractor in McHenry area.

  1. Concrete

Concrete might be cracked. This one is easy, so handyman is not necessary if you have time. Just go around your house and check for cracks. If you find one call handyman to have it fixed it would me much more affordable than waiting and having hole section replaced.

  1. Faucets

We have cold winters here in McHenry. So if there is water left in faucets during the winter it might be cracked. Make sure to call Handyman to have it repaired.

  1. Air conditioning

Its best time to maintain your AC. Its not that hot, but soon it will. Call a handyman to change air filters and have it cleaned. Alsoschedule a profesional HVAC tune-up. WHAC the heat will hit everybody will try to have it done.

Helpful video about spring maintanance to do it your self or hire handyman